The Spiritual School Series
There are 20+ books in these adventures. These adventure books are easy reading for kids with ADD, ADHD, or Autism, or if they just have a hard time reading. This book has larger print and shorter paragraphs for easy reading. It also has shorter chapters to build the child’s confidence.
There is a section for the parents as well as the kids. Please read this section in the first book of this series. Spirituality can be a touchy subject and I want to put the parents' minds at ease. We do not talk about religion in these books.
With Sticky having to leave Alberlon’s Academy of Wizards early because he was getting too powerful with his magic as a Noble Wizard. Magnus is suggesting that he go to a Spiritual School called ‘A Spirit in the Sky’ so he can find out who he truly is.
Magnus also said it will help him with his magic when it comes to being sensible as to when he should or should not use it. It’ll also help him with controlling how much he uses when he does use it.
The series is special because all the characters will be going to Spiritual School.
Something happens with Dandelion and Kobee and they are allowed to come to Earth. They can’t wait to go to school and see their friends.
For the first time, all of Sticky’s friends and family will be together on an adventure at the Spirit in the Sky.
The adventures of Robyn and Dumbley will come to a halt because they will be in school. However, Castien and Bookmark can still do their training and because time is different where they go, Castien will lose no time at school. He will also love bringing his tales of training to his friends and family.
If you and your child like fun quests, magical creatures, and stories sprinkled with history, then you’ll both love Rene Cournoyer’s heartwarming tale of friendship.