About Us
I have taken my 12 years of writing experience and rewrote all of my books. For those who purchased any of them, I have added more side adventures and more life lessons.
From October 12-16. You can download my first book for free. The Fantastical Adventures of a Little Green Elf. Please share this link with everyone. Spread it on social media.
We all know this world could use a lot of kindness and laughter.
My books teach children some of the basics of life. A few key values that I see missing today are:
Be kind to others.
Show respect to others.
Don’t ever leave a friend behind.
Always help one another.
And laugh a lot!
There are 2 other things that I teach in my books. This is where the Revolution begins.
Pokey-poke—when 2 people say the same thing at the same time, there’s a race to see who can gently poke the other one softly in the shoulder and say: Pokey-poke, you owe me a joke. Now, this takes priority over what you might be doing.
The joke has to be told before you continue whatever it was that you were doing. This builds morale for the group and spreads laughter all around. We need this to catch on and be a way of life.
Laughter can change the world, one person at a time.
Next is Share the Kindness. When you do someone a favor, instead of accepting payment or materials for helping. Accept gratitude and ask them to ‘Share the Kindness' with as many people as they can. We need this to catch on and be a way of life.
Kindness can change the world, one person at a time.